Potluck for

IY Family Potluck // Thanksgiving Edition

Sunday, Nov 12, 2023 12:00p

IY Family Potluck // Thanksgiving Edition

 Immanuel Youth


850 S. 4th St.
Louisville KY 

View/Email all participants 32

Immanuel Youth // On November 12th, we are thrilled to share a meal together with both our Immanuel Youth students AND their families at 12:00p in the Fellowship Hall. No agenda but to eat and enjoy one another's company! Don't miss these opportunities to fellowship with other Immanuel Youth families as we seek together to build the next generation into a community from all cultures where Christ is King. On the menu for November: a Thanksgiving lunch! Please note: These lunches are potluck style, so we ask that you sign up here to bring an item if you plan to partake. You can drop off items in the Fellowship Hall kitchen before the Sunday School hour begins.

Please label if allergy-free for the following major allergens: egg, dairy, gluten, soy, nut.


(hot or cold dips, veggie trays, pinwheels, etc)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
 Rachael Phillips
Costco tortilla chips/ Dip from Costco   
 Vilma Makram
Deviled eggs  
 Bethany Meredith
Veggie tray  
 Kelly Bankes
 Amy Shepherd
Veggies & dip  

Side Dish

(9x13 pans/crockpots of vegetables, casseroles, salad, etc)
 Jenni Sieg
Gluten free pasta salad  
 Michelle Miller
 Michelle Miller
Cranberry sauce  
 Fernanda Trocan
Cheesy corn casserole  
 Lindsey Wilkey
Sweet potato casserole   
 Jessi Viola
Sweet potato casserole  
 Rebecca Isely
Mac n cheese  
 Allen Mickle
Cheesy Crockpot Potatoes  
 Rachel Shreve
 Dani Jackson
Strawberry fluff salad  
 Dani Jackson
Mashed potatoes   
 Dani Jackson
 Kelly Bankes
 Melanie Burrer
Roasted vegetables   
 Lori Nettles
Loaded Mashed Potatoes  
 Lori Nettles
Cranberry Sauce  
 Sarah Fullerton
Green bean casserole   
 Rebecca Cedillo
 Rebecca Cedillo

Main Course

(16 9x13 pans/crockpots of turkey, beef, ham, chicken, etc)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
 Anna Farthing
 Rebecca Isely
 Dallas Leitner
Turkey Breast   
 Rachel Shreve
 Dani Jackson
A ham  
 Amy Shepherd
Spiral ham  
 Stephanie Wilkinson
 Lydia Sandefur
Creamy pumpkin pasta bake (gf/df)  
 Lori Nettles
 Bethany Moore


(2 2-liters, gallon of tea or lemonade, Capri Suns, canned drinks, case of bottled water, etc)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
 Janell Stringer
Sweet Tea  
 Rachael Phillips
1 case of bottled water /2 gallons Lemonade   
 Sarah Hedrick
Capri suns  
 Vilma Makram
1 Gallon of Strawberry lemonade  
 Dani Jackson
Cranberry fizzy juice  
 Amy Shepherd
2 2 liters  


(pies, cookies, bars, etc)
This slot is still available
 Heather Riddle
Pumpkin choc chip bread  
 Beth Gurtner
Costco Pumpkin pie and whipped cream  
 Allen Mickle
 Rachel Shreve
 Dani Jackson
Apple pie  
 Joy Lynn
Fall dessert  
 Bethany Moore
Pumpkin pie or muffins  
 Andreina Gibson
Pumpkin pie (2)  

Dessert (GF)

This slot is still available
 Lindsey Wilkey
Apples with caramel dip   
 Jessi Viola
Apple crisp   
 Lydia Sandefur
Pumpkin pie (gf/df) or might change it lol  


(paper plates, plastic cups, utensils, and napkins)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
 Lindsey Wilkey
 Allen Mickle
Paper plates  
 Sarah Hedrick
Paper plates  
 Vilma Makram