Potluck for

Steve Duff Memorial Party

Saturday, Feb 25, 2017 1:00pm -5:00 PM


 Paula La Bar


27641 Silverado Canyon Rd
Silverado CA 92676

View/Email all participants 24

Thank you for helping Francesca, and her family (and her canyon family) celebrate Steve! We look forward to a day of good times, friendship and memories. Please contact Paula La Bar if any questions -Paula.Labar@cox.net. To help with setup or cleanup, please contact Chay Petersen - sprockethead@cox.net or just sign up online!


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This slot is still available
This slot is still available
 Paula La Bar
Fruit and Cheese Tray  
(Fran Williams)
 Natalie Garth
Goat cheese tart  
 Mishi Rjava
Chips and Salsa  
 Ngọc Thu
Vietnamese Spring Rolls  
 Tara Saraye
Deviled eggs  
 Tara Saraye
Salmon on cream cheese cracker  
 Nick Relyea
Bbq wieners  

Side Dish

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This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
 Paula La Bar
Green Salad   
(Judy Meyers)
 Joanne Hubble
butternut squash soup  
 Susan Hardy
large fruit salad  
 Gloria Sefton
Green salad  
 Charity Gallardo
Green Salad with Crab  

Main Course

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This slot is still available
 Maureen Voehl
Do not know yet  
 Lisa Enochs
Main Dish-don't know yet  
 janet wilson
roast ham  
 Robin Sutton
Pesto Pasta  
 Glenys Williams
Beef Brisket  
 Melody McWilliams
Main dish  
 Ann Armbruster
baked chicken and fried chicken  
 Connie Nelson
Tritip pulled bbq sliders on rolls  


(Bottled Water, 2 Litre Sodas)
 Paula La Bar
Coffe Station/all paper goods/utensils  
 Joanne Hubble
coke, pepsi, sprite  
 Glenys Williams
Bottled water  
 Chay Peterson
Lemon water and lemonade dispensers  
(2.5 gallons each)


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This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
Decide later  
 Joanne Hubble
not sure yet but yummy  
 Glenys Williams
lemon blueberry cheesecake bars  
 Nina Macdonald
gluten-free brownies  
((Ted Wright))
 Scott Breeden
 Chay Peterson
Mendocino Apple Crisp!  

Set Up Help

(Please sign up if you can help with Set Up )
This slot is still available
 Paula La Bar
Set Up Help/ D. J.   
 Glenys Williams
Jim Sill helping set up  
 Nina Macdonald
Let me know when you want me there  
 Mishi Rjava
I can be there at Noon!  

Clean Up Help

(Please sign up if you can help with Clean up )
This slot is still available
 Maureen Voehl
Will help clean up  
 janet wilson
whatever is needed-clearing tables and chairs, packing up etc.   
 Melody McWilliams
Main Dish  
 Chay Peterson
basic clean up