Potluck for

GOTV: Monday, November 6th

Monday, Nov 6, 2023 8:30am - 5:30pm

GOTV: Monday, November 6th

 Lily Yasuda


1348 S. Vista
Boise ID 

View/Email all participants 10

PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO READ & REVIEW THE FOLLOWING: Thanks for keeping our Get Out the Vote crew fueled and fed! Food will be served "potluck style" for all staff and volunteers overseeing this years' event. Please bring enough food and/or beverages for 8-10 people for each shift you sign up for. DELIVERY TIMES: Breakfast delivery: 8:30am on scheduled day Lunch delivery: 11:30am on scheduled day Dinner delivery: 5:30pm on scheduled day DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: Food should be delivered HOT and ready to eat. We do NOT have an oven or stove on site, so meals should arrive fully prepared and ready for volunteers. Staff can provide outlets/power strips for crock pots to be plugged into if needed. Please bring serving utensils (tongs, serving spoons, etc.) if your dish requires. Any leftover dishes or utensils can be picked up the following day. Thank you!

Gluten-free options are appreciated, but not required.

Breakfast Food

(Delivery time: 8:30am)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
This slot is still available

Lunch Food

(Delivery time: 11:30am)
This slot is still available
This slot is still available
 Marina Lundy
(Lois Morgan )

Dinner Food

(Delivery time: 5:30pm)
This slot is still available
 Kristi Hansen
Pulled pork sandwiches and vegan GF sloppy joes  
 Meda Thompson
Hearty Cowboy Beans in crockpot  


(Can deliver any time from 8:30am - 5:30pm)
 Linda Mazzu
cookies and hopefully brownies  
 Paul Logan
cookies and other possibilities