Potluck for

Wednesday Night Missionary Meal

Wednesday, Nov 8, 2023 5:30-6:30 pm

Wednesday Night Missionary Meal

 Sarah Gilbert


416 Denham Avenue
West Columbia SC 

View/Email all participants 6

We need 5 volunteers to make chili for our missionaries on Wednesday evening, 11/8. Please note what kind of chili you plan to bring, and please make enough to serve 12. A non-spicy chili is appreciated. Many of our missionaries try to avoid spicy foods. If you provide a pot of chili, you and your family are invited to stay and eat with the missionaries in the Waits. The meal will be at 5:30 pm in the Waits building on Wednesday, November 8th. Please arrive a few minutes early to allow for set up. If you have any questions, please call the church office.

Allergies: pork sausage, avocado, cilantro, shellfish, kiwi, peaches, undercooked eggs


(enough for 12 & not spicy)
 Aly Gideons
White chili  
 Daye Goforth
Red chili  
 Tali Dowdey
Beef chili  
 MARY Kerr
grd beef chili with beans  
 Lisa Bushy
Chicken Chili (a white chili)