Meal Train® for Ryan Krueger

Meal Train® for Ryan Krueger
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
We aren't picky, but Ryan's stomach can be uneasy from the medications, so milder foods are better. Also, we have to be very careful about bacteria/infection risk, so just make sure if it's not straight out of the oven that it is refrigerated. When in doubt, just ask us!
Food For
2 Adults
Drop-Off Time
Special Instructions
I just chose these days randomly, but if another day works better that's totally fine! Just text or call me (Anna). If you are delivering this to our home, just text me when you get here and I'll come down and grab the food from you. Also, please indicate what you're bringing when you sign up so that everyone doesn't bring the same thing. :)
Meal Drop-Off Location
Indianapolis, IN
Meal Calendar
Volunteer to provide a meal.
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