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Meal Train® for Shery Russ

Meal Train® for Shery Russ
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
Food For
2 Adults, 2 Kids
Drop-Off Time
Please call ahead (559) 359-3566 - family has dogs that need to be penned first :-)
Special Instructions
- Family is vegan. Feel free to include fun snacks for the kids. Gift cards are encouraged. Places with vegan menus. - Small/moderate portions of prepared meals, rather than large portions -- to reduce the likelihood of food going bad before the family can finish it. - If dropping off food, you may leave it in the mini fridge located outside the gate. ***Thank you for your generosity! God bless you!***
Meal Drop-Off Location
Strathmore , CA
Recipient Info
Allergy or Dietary Restriction
Meal Drop-Off Location
20147 Road 192
Strathmore CA 93267
View Map
Preferred Drop-Off Time
Please call ahead (559) 359-3566 - family has dogs that need to be penned first :-)
People to Cook For
2 Adults, 2 Kids
Favorite Meals or Restaurants
- Places like Taco Bell, Del Taco, Togo's, Subway, and Quiznos that allow customization and will let you order food on their menu without cheese, meat, milk, dairy, sour cream, etc. - Restaurants (Thai, Mexican, Chinese) that also allow customization -- such as substituting tofu for any meat/seafood, leaving out fish sauce, oyster sauce, lard, etc. - Children love all fresh fruits and vegetables; they do not eat sweets or candies :o)
Least Favorite Meals
- Family welcomes, and is grateful for, any food prepared for them that does not have any meat/seafood and dairy products.
Special Instructions
- Family is vegan. Feel free to include fun snacks for the kids. Gift cards are encouraged. Places with vegan menus. - Small/moderate portions of prepared meals, rather than large portions -- to reduce the likelihood of food going bad before the family can finish it. - If dropping off food, you may leave it in the mini fridge located outside the gate. ***Thank you for your generosity! God bless you!***
Donations for Shery Russ
Karen Talbot
- $20
- 3 years ago
- $200
- 3 years ago
Lucy E.
- $75
- 3 years ago
Colleen Balija
- $25
- 3 years ago
- $100
- 3 years ago
Join this list. Donate now.
- $150
- 3 years ago
Sandy Christy
- $100
- 3 years ago
Matthew ONeal
- $100
- 3 years ago
- $500
- 3 years ago
- $50
- 3 years ago
Renalyn Andor
- $100
- 3 years ago
Gift Cards
Provide support with a gift card to DoorDash, Panera, Chili's, Visa, and more.
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Gift Cards for Shery Russ
Meal Calendar
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All dates are booked, but there are still other ways to help.
Make a donation to Shery Russ, or contact the organizer for more dates.
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$1,420 raised by 11 people.