Meal Train® for Helping Hands EVENING MEAL TRAIN (Previously at 1023 E. Washington St.)

Meal Train® for Helping Hands EVENING MEAL TRAIN (Previously at 1023 E. Washington St.)
Recipient Info
Allergies or Restrictions
Some clients have diet restrictions because of medical or dental conditions. Low-salt options are appreciated by our clients who are on dialysis or have high blood pressure. Try to serve meats and vegetables that are easy to chew.
Food For
80 Adults
Drop-Off Time
Meals can be delivered around 5:30-6 p.m. or served by 6-6:15 p.m.
Special Instructions
Provider will enter at the kitchen door at our NEW Facility at 2200 Shale Street. Kitchen Mg/team will be there to assist. Providers can drop off the meal, or stay and serve it. If you need assistance: Please contact Kitchen Mg Blaine 217-816-0731 Meal Coordinator Yolanda 217-522-0048 Ext. 105
Meal Drop-Off Location
Springfield , IL
Volunteer to provide help.